
Looking for a sexy muse. I am a busy professional seeking inspiration and diversion. The right candidate will have a wicked set of skills. She will be attractive, open-minded and very bright. Intelligence, creativity, and writing skills are valued highly. You will come to my office twice a month and lounge in lingerie while we discuss ideas for my book. I want you to inspire me intellectually and physically. Please respond with a picture or video.

Text Chat Operators

I am seeking very mature sounding females from the USA to Take Phone Sex Calls From Home! You can sign on and off when you want as long as it is female operated. We are also hiring males who are comfortable speaking with other men. You must have a creative imagination, have a land line, be open minded and have a quiet place to work. Part Time and Full Time Positions Available! Also hiring only 18+.


I am looking for writers and editors and people for voice overs. We will be creating a new project and require both writers to provide original stories and dialogue and ideas. We have a client to film short erotic films and look for the synopsis and stories.